Site in progress again...

4.12.2022: Colors update, now white and blue.
4.11.2022: Added diary page.
4.10.2022: Theme and coding overhaul, added 'cool sites' and 'adopts' pages.
4.8.2022: Finished music page.
4.7.2022: Theme and coding overhaul. (Again...)
4.5.2022: Added taglist page.
4.4.2022: Added mobile view for all pages.
4.3.2022: Theme and coding overhaul.
4.2.2022: Improved mobile view, added more songs to soundtrack section.
3.31.2022: Added gallery and music containers, updated theme.
3.30.2022: Neocities first coded.

Beep Boop this page empty
Also empty :(